Project Closeout
The closeout process allows for the final review, reconciliation, and certification of expenditures on a sponsored project award. The closeout is a collaborative effort between the College of Sciences Researchers, Departments, and the College Research Office (CRO), to review all expenses and certify compliance throughout the life of the project. Closeouts are required for all Ledger-5 projects, and will always occur at the end of the period of performance. Some sponsored project awards also require intermittent or “soft” closeouts, that happen annually, the procedural steps are the same.
College of Science Departments and Centers will use the following form(s) to communicate with the College Research Office at the time of closeout. If the department does not return the form to the CRO via email, by the due date, then it is assumed that there are no reconciling items and expenses will be reported “off-term”, and any expenses posted after the project end date would be the responsibility of the Department to move off of the project.
Required for All Project Closeouts:
- College of Sciences Closeout Certification Questions Form.pdf
- College of Sciences Final Expenses Closeout Form.xls