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Add to Google Calendar links in email

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You may wish to provide a quick way for meeting attendees to add a public event to their Google Calendar. Here’s how to do it.

Create the public event on your calendar

  1. Create a Google Calendar event on your calendar, as usual.
  2. If desired, add videoconferencing to the event (Zoom or Google Meet). 
    • Alternatively, you can paste a link to a Zoom webinar, Youtube, Facebook Live, or other videoconference in the Location field of you event.
  3. Ensure that the event visibility is set to Public.
  4. Save the event.

Publish the event

  1. Open the event from your calendar.
  2. Click the three vertical dots in the upper right corner.
  3. Select “Publish this event”
  4. Click the second Copy button to copy the link

Add the link in your email message

  1. Type “Add to Google Calendar” in your message
  2. Select the text “Add to Google Calendar” you just typed
  3. Click the Insert Link button at the bottom of the message (looks like a chain link)
  4. Use Ctrl-V or Command-V to paste the link you copied above into the field under “To what URL should this link go?”
  5. Click OK. 

You are done!