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Faculty Awards and Honors

College of Sciences faculty are among the best and brightest in their fields, and it's not just us saying that. Our faculty are competing — and winning — against top researchers nationwide for the most prestigious awards and fellowships. Below is a select list of national honors received by our faculty.

National Academy of Sciences

1998       David Aspnes, Physics

AAAS Fellows

2024       David Muddiman, Chemistry
2024       Len Stefanski, Statistics
2023       Jacqueline Hughes-Oliver, Statistics
2022       Karen Daniels, Physics
2020       Felix (Phil) Castellano, Chemistry
2020       Lewis Owen, Marine, Earth, and Atmospheric Sciences
2020       Brian Space, Chemistry
2019       Jacqueline Krim, Physics
2018       Ilse Ipsen, Mathematics
2018       C.T. (Tim) Kelley, Mathematics
2017       John Thomas, Physics
2016       John Blondin, Physics
2016       Anastasios A. Tsiatis, Statistics
2015       Alyson Wilson, Statistics
2014       Bruce Sherwood, Physics
2012       Harald Ade, Physics
2011       Jerry Bernholc, Physics
2010       Robert Beichner, Physics
2006       Marie Davidian, Statistics
2004       Steven Spiker, Biological Sciences
2002       David Aspnes, Physics

(The lists below include awards received by former faculty while at NC State. The lists do not include awards received at other institutions that are brought to NC State.)

(Early Career Research Award)

2020      Dali Sun, Physics
2017       Richard Longland, Physics
2013       Carla Frohlich, Physics
2013       Dan Dougherty, Physics
2011       Jim Kneller, Physics
2002      Gail McLaughlin, Physics

Fulbright Scholar

2023       Karen Daniels, Physics
2023       Charlie Smith, Statistics
2018       Maria Oliver-Hoyo, Chemistry
2017       Zubair Azad, Physics
2016       Lucian Lucia, Chemistry
2015       Darrell Britt, Mathematics
2015       David Buchwalter, Biological Sciences
2014       Stefan Franzen, Chemistry
2008       Ronald Fodor, MEAS

NIH MIRA for Established Investigators

2021       Jun Ninomiya-Tsuji, Biological Sciences
2021       Joshua Pierce, Chemistry

NIH MIRA for Early Stage Investigators

2022       Caroline Proulx, Chemistry
2021       Caiti Heil, Biological Sciences
2021       Vincent Lindsay, Chemistry
2021       Christina Zakas, Biological Sciences
2020       Mary Elting, Physics

NSF CAREER Award (Faculty Early Career Development Award)

2024      Christina Zakas, Biological Sciences
2024      Julio Monti Belmonte, Physics
2024      Emily Hector, Statistics
2021      Dali Sun, Physics
2021      Caroline Proulx, Chemistry
2021      Sebastian König, Physics
2020      Cynthia Vinzant, Mathematics
2019       Wei-chen Chang, Chemistry
2019       David Papp, Mathematics
2019       Arvind Saibaba, Mathematics
2018       Eric Chi, Statistics
2018       Alexander Kemper, Physics
2018       Divine Kumah, Physics
2016       Nadia Singh, Biological Sciences
2016       Eric Laber, Statistics
2016       Rui Song, Statistics
2016       Lorena Bociu, Mathematics
2016       Elena Jakubikova, Chemistry
2015       Joshua Pierce, Chemistry
2015       Ana-Maria Staicu, Statistics
2013       Mark Hoefer, Mathematics
2012       Leslie Sombers, Chemistry
2012       Reza Ghiladi, Chemistry
2012       Gavin Williams, Chemistry
2012       Huixia “Judy” Wang, Statistics
2011       Yichao Wu, Statistics
2011       Daniel Dougherty, Physics
2010       Elon Ison, Chemistry
2010       Seth Sullivant, Mathematics
2009       Anantha Aiyyer, MEAS
2009       Alex Deiters, Chemistry
2008       Demetrio Labate, Mathematics
2007       Paul Maggard, Chemistry
2007       Lin He, Chemistry
2007       Karen Daniels, Physics
2007       Hao “Helen” Zhang, Statistics
2005       H. Kristian Jenssen, Mathematics
2004       Yang Zhang, MEAS
2004       Agnes Szanto, Mathematics
2004       Subhashis Ghosal, Statistics
2004       M. Celeste Sagui, Physics
2004       Maria Oliver-Hoyo, Chemistry
2000       Daniel Feldheim, Chemistry

NSF American Competitiveness and Innovation Fellowship

2010       Jacqueline Krim, Physics

DARPA Young Faculty Award

2013       Jonathan Hauenstein, Mathematics

ONR Young Investigator Award

2013       Kenan Gundogdu, Physics

Packard Foundation Fellowship

2009       Seth Sullivant, Mathematics
2006       Mary Schweitzer, MEAS
2000       Daniel Feldheim, Chemistry
1991       Holden Thorp, Chemistry

PECASE Award (Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers)

2019       Lorena Bociu, Mathematics
2010       David Reif, Biological Sciences

Sloan Research Fellowship

2020      Cynthia Vinzant, Mathematics
2018        Tye Lidman, Mathematics
2014       Jonathan Hauenstein, Mathematics
2004       Brent Gunnoe, Chemistry

The dean and associate dean for research have final approval on additions to this list. Please send suggested submissions or corrections to