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Two NC State Mathematicians Receive NSF CAREER Awards

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Two NC State mathematicians have received Faculty Early Career Development Awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF). The award, also known as the NSF CAREER award, is one of the highest awards the foundation bestows upon young faculty in the sciences.

The five-year award for Assistant Professor David Papp will support his research project entitled “Large-Scale Optimization Problems With Applications in Emerging Radiotherapy Modalities.” Papp’s research will involve designing and analyzing new numerical optimization methods that will enable rigorous assessment and more widespread use of novel radiotherapy treatments.

The award for Assistant Professor Arvind Saibaba, also for five years, will support his research project entitled “Fast and Accurate Algorithms for Uncertainty Quantification in Large-Scale Inverse Problems.” The project aims to develop fast and cost-effective algorithms for uncertainty quantification that apply across a broad range of imaging technologies.