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National Science Foundation

Christina Zakas

Jun 13, 2024

Biologist Zakas Receives NSF CAREER Award

Christina Zakas, an assistant professor of biological sciences, has received a Faculty Early Career Development Award from the National Science Foundation.

NC State gateway at sunset

Apr 10, 2023

Chemist Brian Space To Lead $1.17 Million Partnership to Develop Better Water Sorption Materials

Chemistry professor Brian Space will lead a project to address freshwater accessibility challenges.

Gavin Williams

Jun 13, 2022

Chemist Williams Named Head of Department of Chemistry

The college has named Professor Gavin Williams as the head of the Department of Chemistry.

NC State gateway at sunset

May 18, 2022

Researchers Use Galaxy as a ‘Cosmic Telescope’ to Study Heart of the Young Universe

Astrophysicist Rongmon Bordoloi is using a new instrument and a powerful telescope to peer into galactic nurseries.

White flowers bloom on a tree in front of the Bell Tower

Apr 25, 2022

University Fellowships Office Announces NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program Awards

Seven sciences students have earned Graduate Research Fellowship Program awards to support their graduate school pursuits.

Students pose in front the Dabney Hall sign at NC State.

Jan 24, 2022

NSF-Funded Programs Offer Research Opportunities to External Undergraduate Students

The college will offer three Research Experiences for Undergraduates programs this summer.

NC State Belltower

Feb 11, 2019

Mathematician Arvind Saibaba Receives NSF CAREER Award

Arvind Saibaba of the Department of Mathematics has received a prestigious Faculty Early Career Development Award from the National Science Foundation.

Campus gateway against a blue sky

Feb 11, 2019

Mathematician David Papp Receives NSF CAREER Award

David Papp of the Department of Mathematics has received a prestigious Faculty Early Career Development Award from the National Science Foundation.

Mar 17, 2016

Statistician Eric Laber Receives NSF CAREER Award

Statistician Eric Laber has received a prestigious CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation.

Feb 23, 2016

Mathematician Lorena Bociu Receives NSF CAREER Award

Mathematician Lorena Bociu has received a prestigious CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation.