Jul 11, 2014
Ask most undergraduates if they’re interested in factory work, and you’ll get puzzled looks. But what if the “factory” was E. coli bacteria and the “work” involved creating libraries of…
A newly discovered species of carnivorous dinosaur — one of the three largest ever discovered in North America — prevented tyrannosaurs from taking their place atop the food chain nearly…
Dr. Karen McNeal uses high-tech tools to explore how humans understand what they’re taught about earth systems. Her recent research in geocognition and geoscience education has broken new ground determining…
Ever wonder why a pitch is called a “strike” against one hitter, and a “ball” against the next? Many baseball fans have long suspected home-plate umpires of bending the rules…
The advent of the genomic era has made the prospect of “personalizing” treatment for individual patients more tantalizing than ever. Media accounts abound of discoveries that tie a patient’s genetic…