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Jun 20, 2024

Physicist Kemper Named Associate Dean for Research

Alexander “Lex” Kemper, an accomplished physicist who has been an NC State faculty member for nearly a decade, has been named associate dean for research for the College of Sciences.

NC State gateway at sunset

Jan 30, 2024

Students Use Robotics to Complete Organic Chemistry Lab

With the help of a DELTA Grant, students can now use robotics to complete a chemistry lab remotely.

Dinos in the woods

Nov 7, 2023

Dig This: ‘Neglected’ Dinosaur Had Super Senses

The thescelosaurus neglectus dinosaur may have been a wallflower, but a CT scan of its skull reveals some hidden superpowers.

Ai image of brain

Aug 31, 2023

An ‘Introspective’ AI Finds Diversity Improves Performance

William Ditto, professor of physics, helped create an AI that can fine tune its own neural network. Researchers found the AI performs better when it chooses diversity over lack of diversity.

White flowers bloom on a tree in front of the Bell Tower

Aug 31, 2023

$1.2 Million NOAA Grant to Support Marine Sciences Students, Research at NC State

A $14.9 million NOAA grant will fund the North Carolina Coastal Federation’s plans to expand an existing Pamlico Sound oyster sanctuary network, as well as hands-on opportunities for underrepresented marine sciences students at NC State and NC Central University.

a woman holds a small bird in one hand while attaching a band to its leg with her other hand

Aug 24, 2023

The Beauty of Research

The College of Sciences had three Envisioning Research contest winners.

Aug 21, 2023

NC State Researcher Discovers New, Unique Plant-Eating Dinosaur

“Finding Iani was a streak of luck,” said Lindsay Zanno, an associate research professor in the Department of Biological Sciences at NC State. “We knew something like it lived in this ecosystem because isolated teeth had been collected here and there, but we weren’t expecting to stumble upon such a beautiful skeleton, especially from this time in Earth’s history. Having a nearly complete skull was invaluable for piecing the story together.”

sabertooth tiger

Aug 21, 2023

Did Sabertooth Tigers Purr or Roar?

The sound a sabertooth made could depend on the shape of a few small bones.

Ms. Wuf tries on her solar glasses on August 21, 2017, for Solar Eclipse Day on the Brickyard.

Aug 14, 2023

A Decade of Discovery: NC State’s College of Sciences Celebrates 10-Year Anniversary

In honor of the College of Sciences’ 10th anniversary, check out 10 of our most memorable moments.

Aug 1, 2023

Why You Shouldn’t Declaw Tigers or Other Big Cats
“What people might not realize is that declawing a cat is not like trimming our fingernails; rather, it is removing part or all of the last bone of each digit,” says Adam Hartstone-Rose, professor of biological sciences at North Carolina State University and corresponding author of the research.