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Two educators from The Science House’s FREEDM Center receive STEM awards

Two educators from NC State University’s FREEDM Systems Center have been honored for their outstanding contributions to science, technology, engineering and mathematics education.

Dr. Lisa Grable, the center’s director of precollege education, has received the Distinguished Service in Science Education in North Carolina Award from the North Carolina Science Teachers Association (NCSTA) and Ms. Melaine Rickard from Turrentine Middle School in Alamance County has received a grant from the Burroughs Wellcome Fund PRISM Science Education Program.

The Distinguished Service in Science Education in North Carolina Award is given to those who have made admirable contributions to improving science education in our state. Grable was presented her award for excellence at the college/university level at the NCSTA’s 43rd Annual Professional Development Institute in Winston-Salem on November 9.

The Burroughs Wellcome Fund PRISM Award provides grants for projects that implement hands-on science and mathematics curricula in the K-12 classroom. Rickard’s PRISM Award will allow her to pilot a project, titled “Promoting Scientific Discourse and Practices,” that targets newly designed seventh and eighth grade STEM classes. Rickard, a National Board Certified Teacher,  was a 2011 Kenan Fellow at the FREEDM Systems Center and has also been a teacher for FREEDM’s Research Experience for Teachers program.

About the FREEDM Systems Center

The FREEDM (Future Renewable Electrical Energy Delivery and Management) Systems Center was established through an Engineering Research Center grant from the National Science Foundation (award number EEC-0812121). The Center conducts research in the area of renewable energy and aims to develop leaders and innovators to enhance the future direction of “smart grid” technology. FREEDM consists of eight partnered universities and is headquartered at NC State University. The K-12 outreach component of the center is conducted through The Science House at NC State.

Media Contact:

Steve Townsend, College of Physical and Mathematical Sciences: 919-513-0300 or

Lisa Grable, The Science House/FREEDM Systems Center: 919-515-9403 or