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Sleeping newborn

Feb 22, 2021

Q&A: Phthalates and Child Brain Development

Neuroendocrinologist Heather Patisaul talks about how phthalates can impact developing brains.

The campus gateway from underneath, against a blue sky

Feb 17, 2021

The Search for Electron-Hole Liquids Gets Warmer

Physics graduate student Ryan Wilmington describes the prediction and discovery of electron-hole liquid formation at high temperatures.

Electron microscope image of the SARS-CoV-2 virus.

Feb 10, 2021

Bidirectional Contact Tracing Could Have a Dramatic Impact on COVID-19 Infection Numbers

NC State mathematician Alun Lloyd recently co-authored a study that found bidirectional contact tracing is twice as effective as forward tracing, the contact tracing method currently in use.

Parasaurolophus skull

Feb 2, 2021

Parasaurolophus Skull Solves Mysteries of Colorful Crest, Family Tree

A well-preserved skull answers questions about the Parasaurolophus family tree.

red laser beams

Jan 27, 2021

Zapping Quantum Materials With Lasers Tells Us How Atoms Relate

Want to know how a quantum material acts on the atomic level? Zap it with a laser!


Jan 25, 2021

Wetter Weather Affects Composition, Numbers of Tiny Estuarial Phytoplankton

Extreme weather affects picophytoplankton in the Neuse River Estuary, which could impact its ecosystem.

Vitrified Percolation Pathway in a Polymer: Small molecule blend. Image: Naïs Coq

Jan 12, 2021

Analytical Measurements Can Predict Organic Solar Cell Stability

An analytical measurement framework could help organic solar cell manufacturers determine the best materials for stable solar cells.

Dueling Dinosaurs fossil

Dec 1, 2020

Dueling Dinosaurs: A Q&A With Lindsay Zanno

Paleontologist Lindsay Zanno talks about her acquisition of the Dueling Dinosaurs fossil and what it could reveal.

Campus gateway sign reading NC State University

Nov 12, 2020

In Mice, Cadmium Exposure During Pregnancy Linked to Obesity, Metabolic Issues in Adult Female Offspring

Female offspring of mice exposed to cadmium during pregnancy suffer from obesity, fatty livers and abnormal glucose processing.

Four panelists sit behind a table with a NC State University Center for Human Health and the Environment banner

Oct 28, 2020

NC State Researchers Invite Wilmington, Brunswick County Residents to Participate in GenX Exposure Study

NC State researchers are recruiting new participants from Wilmington and Brunswick County for the GenX Exposure Study.