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Skulls of a baboon and howler monkey with the teeth "digitally dissected."

Oct 27, 2021

What Big Teeth You Have: Tooth Root Surface Area Can Determine Primate Size

A formula that calculates primate body size from tooth root size could help us learn how human ancestors interacted with their environment.

Sleeping newborn

Oct 6, 2021

‘Safer’ Chemicals Still Linked to Neurotoxicity, Developmental Effects

A class of chemicals commonly found in everything from toys to home furnishings may pose more of a risk to brain development in children than previously thought.

NC State gateway at sunset

Oct 1, 2021

Two-Dimensional Hybrid Metal Halide Device Allows Control of Terahertz Emissions

A 2D hybrid metal halide device allows directional control of terahertz radiation generated by a spintronic scheme.

NC State gateway at sunset

Sep 28, 2021

Liquid Metal Coating Creates Effective Antiviral, Antimicrobial Fabric

A liquid gallium-based antiviral and antimicrobial fabric coating eradicated 99% of several common pathogens within five minutes.

NC State gateway at sunset

Sep 22, 2021

Grant Will Fund Climate Resilience Strategies for Frontline Communities in the Carolinas

NC State will lead a multi-institutional effort to develop climate resilience solutions in frontline communities in the Carolinas.

NC State gateway at sunset

Sep 10, 2021

Neutron Beam More Accurate Probe Than X-ray, Could Also Be Used to Find Physics’ ‘Fifth’ Forces

A neutron beam technique gave researchers more accurate measurements of silicon's properties and could be used to detect elusive fifth forces, such as dark energy.

The NC State Belltower at dusk and night. Photo by Marc Hall

Aug 19, 2021

Partition Function Zeros Are ‘Shortcut’ to Thermodynamic Calculations on Quantum Computers

A new method enables quantum computers to measure the thermodynamic properties of systems by calculating the zeros of the partition function.


Jul 7, 2021

Human-Driven Habitat Change Leads to Physical, Behavioral Change in Mosquitofish

Human-caused habitat change drives changes in behavior and brain size in Bahamian mosquitofish.


Jun 23, 2021

Common Perovskite Superfluoresces at High Temperatures

A common perovskite's superfluorescent properties may make it useful for quantum computing.


Jun 23, 2021

‘Pack Ice’ Tectonics Reveal Venus’ Geological Secrets

Venus' surface shows evidence of tectonic motion that could mean the planet is still geologically active.