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NC State gateway at sunset

Sep 29, 2020

Vitamin D Deficiency Leads to Obesity, Stunted Growth in Zebrafish

A zebrafish study shows that lack of Vitamin D in early development can lead to obesity and stunted growth.


Sep 18, 2020

Why Phosphine in Venus’ Clouds Is a Big Deal

In The Conversation, Paul Byrne explains why finding phosphine gas on Venus is important and where we go from here.

Simulated view of Venus

Sep 17, 2020

Venus’ Ancient Layered, Folded Rocks Point to Volcanic Origin

Some of the oldest terrain on Venus could provide insights into the enigmatic planet's geological history.

Low energy green light starts polymerization process

Sep 16, 2020

Researchers Discover New Photoactivation Mechanism for Polymer Production

Researchers have demonstrated a way to use low-energy, visible light to produce polymer gel objects from pure monomer solutions.

A mosquito poised on a human arm

Aug 26, 2020

Podcast: Mosquitoes and Disease

Mathematical biologist Alun Lloyd talks about the spread of mosquito-borne illnesses in the U.S. and the methods we can use to stop them.

Aug 5, 2020

Effective Field Theory: Q&A With Sebastian Koenig

Sebastian Koenig talks about how effective field theory helps nuclear physicists understand the universe.

Galaxy IC342

Aug 4, 2020

Podcast: Katie Mack on the End of Everything

Cosmologist and author Katie Mack talks to NC State's Audio Abstract about universe-ending scenarios and how astrophysicists know what they know about the universe.

Campus gateway sign that reads NC State University

Jul 22, 2020

Study: Novel PFAS Comprise 24% of Those Measured in Blood of Wilmington, N.C., Residents

The GenX Exposure Study found unusual levels of these chemicals, whose human health effects are not yet known.

painting of a double helix

Jul 16, 2020

Genome Guardians Stop and Reel in DNA to Correct Replication Errors

Two proofreading proteins stop and reel in DNA mismatches to prevent replication errors.


Jun 22, 2020

Teaching Physics to Neural Networks Removes ‘Chaos Blindness’

Teaching physics to neural networks helps them adapt to chaos.