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Ai image of brain

Aug 31, 2023

An ‘Introspective’ AI Finds Diversity Improves Performance

William Ditto, professor of physics, helped create an AI that can fine tune its own neural network. Researchers found the AI performs better when it chooses diversity over lack of diversity.

Galaxy IC342

Jun 26, 2023

Where Do New Galaxies Come From?

Astrophysicist Rongmon Bordoloi discusses primordial gasses and how galaxies are born.

NC State gateway at sunset

Feb 13, 2023

Chiral Phonons Create Spin Current Without Needing Magnetic Materials

Chiral phonons can convert wasted heat into spin information — without needing magnetic materials to do it.

Graphic shows process of achieving superflorescence at room temperature.

Aug 29, 2022

‘Naturally Insulating’ Material Emits Pulses of Superfluorescent Light at Room Temperature

Shuang Fang Lin, associate professor of physics, discusses how this research could lead to the development of faster microchips, neurosensors and quantum computing materials.

NC State gateway at sunset

Jun 13, 2022

Understanding Room Temperature Superconductivity

Lex Kemper, associate professor of physics, discusses attempts to untangle the secrets of superconducting material YBCO.

NC State gateway at sunset

May 18, 2022

Researchers Use Galaxy as a ‘Cosmic Telescope’ to Study Heart of the Young Universe

Astrophysicist Rongmon Bordoloi is using a new instrument and a powerful telescope to peer into galactic nurseries.


Apr 5, 2022

Quantum ‘Shock Absorbers’ Allow Perovskite to Exhibit Superfluorescence at Room Temperature

Kenan Gundogdu, professor of physics, explains why some perovskites exhibit superfluorescence at high temperatures.

NC State gateway at sunset

Oct 1, 2021

Two-Dimensional Hybrid Metal Halide Device Allows Control of Terahertz Emissions

A 2D hybrid metal halide device allows directional control of terahertz radiation generated by a spintronic scheme.

The NC State Belltower at dusk and night. Photo by Marc Hall

Aug 19, 2021

Partition Function Zeros Are ‘Shortcut’ to Thermodynamic Calculations on Quantum Computers

A new method enables quantum computers to measure the thermodynamic properties of systems by calculating the zeros of the partition function.


Jun 23, 2021

Common Perovskite Superfluoresces at High Temperatures

A common perovskite's superfluorescent properties may make it useful for quantum computing.